Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
5 Click the Diagnostic tab, then click Query Modem. If information about the modem appears, the modem passed diagnostics. If no modem information is available, a white screen appears with no data, or if you get an error such as port already open or the modem has failed to respond, the modem did not pass diagnostics.
Help and Support
For more information about modem troubleshooting, click Start, then
click Help and Support.
Type the keyword modem troubleshooting in the Search box , then click the arrow.
The modem is noisy when it dials and connects
When your modem tries to connect to another modem, it begins handshaking. Handshaking is a digital “getting acquainted” conversation between the two modems that establishes connection speeds and communication protocols. You may hear unusual handshaking sounds when the modems first connect. If the handshaking sounds are too loud, you can turn down the modem volume.
To turn down the modem volume:
1 Click Start, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your Control Panel is in Category View, click Printers and Other Hardware.
Click the modem you want to adjust, then click Properties.
Click the Modem tab, then adjust the Speaker volume control.
Click OK twice to close the Phone and Modem Options dialog box.
The screen resolution is not correct
Change the screen resolution from the Display Properties dialog box.
Tips & Tricks
For more information, see “Adjusting the color depth” in Using Your Computer which has been included on your hard drive. To access this
guide, click Start, All Programs, then click Gateway Documentation.
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