Install and Configure the Emerge Software
Once your new EmergeCard is installed you will need to install your Emerge software.
To install and configure your Emerge software
1Insert the Emerge CD into the System’s
2 Open up the folder ""
3 Run Updatexxx.exe.
4 Restart the system.
5 Follow the Setup Wizard instructions to complete setup of your EmergeCard.
Running other applications along with the Emerge may affect operation and performance.
Setting up the Target Systems
Prior to operation with the Emerge, set up your target system(s) to ensure optimum results:
Set your target system mouse movement
•Set standard PS/2 mouse drivers to SLOW.
•Set Intellimouse mouse driver speed to the center position, set Acceleration to NONE and deactivate the mouse snap.
Set your target display
Select a supported resolution for each of the servers to be accessed by Emerge. Emerge supports standard
Emerge Card Remote Access User Guide | Configuration • 18 |