WebView Switches
Default Gateway. Enter the IP address of the Default Gateway.
DNS Server. Enter the primary DNS Server information.
Click the Save Settings button to save your changes or click Cancel Changes to discard the information.
Setup Tab - Time
The Time screen allows you to configure the time settings for the Switch.
Set Time
Use System Time. When this option is selected, the local hardware clock is utilized.
Use SNTP Time. When this option is selected, the time is synchronized to an SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) server.
Local Time
Hours. The hour can be entered here.
Minutes. The minutes can be entered here.
Seconds. The seconds can be entered here.
Month. The month can be entered here.
Day. The day can be entered here.
Year. The year can be entered here.
Time Zone. Enter the difference between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and local time.
Daylight Saving
Daylight Saving. Select Daylight Saving to enable it on the Switch. If the Switch should use US daylight savings, then select USA. If the Switch should use EU daylight savings, then select European. If it should use another kind of daylight savings, then select Custom and complete the From and To fields.
Time Set Offset
Chapter 5: Using the
Figure 5-4: Setup - Time
Setup Tab - Time