Chapter 7: BIOS
7-4.5 Hardware Monitors
There are only three settings on this menu (below). The rest of this menu shows various temperatures and voltage levels as indicated.
CPU Warning Temperature
This allows you to set the CPU warning temperature. If the CPU temperature reaches this threshold, an alarm will activate and a warning message will be displayed onscreen. The options are "Disabled", "500C/1220F", "600C/1400F", "650C/1490F", "700C/1580F", "750C/1670F", "800C/1760F" and "850C/1850F".
Highlight this and hit <Enter> to see monitor data for the following items:
CPU Temperature:
System Temperature:
In addition to temperature monitoring, the status of the following items will also be displayed:
Fan 1
Voltage Monitoring
Processor Vcore (V), 3.3V Vcc (V), 5V Vcc (V),
Fan Speed Control
When set to