Add an Attempt
The settings on this section are setup parameters to connect to a remote iSCSI device.
iSCSI Attempt Name - assigns a unique name to this attempt.
iSCSI Mode - select Enabled or Disabled
Connection Retry Count - if the initial connection fails or times out, this is how many times an attempt will be made to connect.
Connection Establishing Timeout - This is the time in milliseconds the system will wait for a connection until it times out. The minimum is 100ms and the maximum is 20 secs.
ISID - This is the
Enable DHCP - Select Enabled to allow a DHCP server to assign the IP addresses for this attempt. If this is set to Disabled, then you need to enter the Initiator IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway manually.
Target Name - Enter the qualified domain name of the target iSCSI device.
Target IP Address - Enter the IP Address of the target iSCSI device. Target Port - Enter the port address of the target iSCSI device. Boot LUN - This is the target's LU number in Hexadecimal format.
Authentication Type - Select CHAP or None.
If CHAP is selected above:
CHAP Type - Select One Way or Mutual.
CHAP Secret - Assign a secret word that is also defined in the target iSCSI device. Minimum length is 12 bytes and maximum is 16 bytes.
When finished, select Save Changes.
Delete Attempts
This feature deletes previously defined attempts as above.
Change Attempt Order
This feature changes the order in which several iSCSI connection attempts are made.