Hawk 2XL Family Installation Guide, Rev. C | 39 |
•Check to ensure that drive is receiving power. Insert the drive into your system. Listen carefully for the sound of the drive motor spinning up. There should be the rotational spin up noise, with no interruption, followed by seeking noises and clicks. If the drive motor does not spin up, check the power supply. If your power supply is functioning properly, but the drive does not spin up, contact the company from which you purchased the drive. If you have added one or more drives to your existing system the power supply may not be able to furnish enough power. Check with your drive purchase source about this.
Inadequate power supplies may work for a short period of time under great stress, and then either fail or operate in a severely degraded mode. It may supply enough +5 V for the logic to respond, but not enough current on the +12 V for a spinup.