Seagate ST31051N/W/WC, ST31055N/W/WC, ST32151N/W/WC Hawk 2XL Family Installation Guide, Rev. C

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Hawk 2XL Family Installation Guide, Rev. C



Check to ensure that drive is receiving power. Insert the drive into your system. Listen carefully for the sound of the drive motor spinning up. There should be the rotational spin up noise, with no interruption, followed by seeking noises and clicks. If the drive motor does not spin up, check the power supply. If your power supply is functioning properly, but the drive does not spin up, contact the company from which you purchased the drive. If you have added one or more drives to your existing system the power supply may not be able to furnish enough power. Check with your drive purchase source about this.

Inadequate power supplies may work for a short period of time under great stress, and then either fail or operate in a severely degraded mode. It may supply enough +5 V for the logic to respond, but not enough current on the +12 V for a spinup.

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Contents Installation Guide Contents Electromagnetic interference EMI considerations PrefacePage Bootable DOS system diskette for the PC Things you may need to install the drive#2 Phillips screwdriver Torx Size TX-08 driver toolSCSI* host adapter card for the PC Shaped drive power cablePin Scsi interface cable Mounting screwsFrame kit Extra configuration jumpersBefore you begin Page Safety instructions Vorsicht SicherheitsanleitungDrive configuration Set Drive ID 3a 3d 3b,3c1 3b ApplPage Select Operating Features Line terminators Page Drives WC drive Model W drive ID select and LED connection Models N and W drive configurator, option select WC drives Mounting the drive Important PrecautionsHawk 2XL Family Installation Guide, Rev. C Direct mounting Using drive railsDrive activity LED Using a conversion frame kitUsing a special module Pin drive Multiple drive Drive Drive model WC with single 80 pin connector Power connection to drive Mounting configuration dimensions DOS Installation Configuring the computer for your drivePage 34Hawk 2XL Family Installation Guide, Rev. C Formatting SeagateTechnology assumes no liability for lost user data Unix installation Macintosh installationGeneral installation troubleshooting TroubleshootingHawk 2XL Family Installation Guide, Rev. C Product repair information Product repair and return information To access SeaBoard Technical support servicesFAX 408/438-8137 Modem Maximum Location Number Baud rateTDD 408/438-5382 Phone 408/438-8222Hawk 2XL Family product information Preliminary values