| 5: Commands and Levels |
| message file <text> |
| Specifies a text file, the contents of which will be the mes- |
| ||
| sage body |
| of an email alert. |
| <text> = the name of a local file. |
| no cc |
| Removes the Cc addresses for email alerts. |
| no clear mail counters |
| Restores the email counters to the aggregate values. |
| no from |
| Removes the From address for email alerts. |
| no message file |
| Removes the file name, so the message body will be |
| empty. |
| no overriding domain |
| Removes the overriding domain name option. |
| no reply to |
| Removes the Reply To address for email alerts. |
| no subject |
| Removes subject used for email alerts. |
| no to |
| Removes the To addresses for email alerts. |
| overriding domain <text> |
| Sets a domain name that will be used when connecting to |
| an SMTP server to |
| send an email alert instead of the device’s domain name |
| in EHLO. |
| <text> = domain name to override the current domain |
| name in EHLO. |
| priority high |
| Sets |
| priority low |
| Sets |
| priority normal |
| Sets |
| priority urgent |
| Sets |
| priority very low |
| Sets |
| reply to <text> |
| Sets the Reply To address for email alerts. |
| <text> = email address to place in the Reply To field of |
| the email alert. |
| send |
| Sends an email using the current settings. |
| server port <number> |
| Sets the port used by the SMTP server. |
| <number> = port used for SMTP on the server side. |
| show |
| Displays the current configuration. |
| show history |
| Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
| show log |
| Displays the email log. |
| show statistics |
| Displays email statistics. |
| subject <text> |
| Sets the Subject for email alerts. |
| <text> = text to placed as the subject. |
| to <text> |
| Sets To addresses for email alerts. |
| <text> = a quoted, semicolon separated list of email ad- |
| dresses. |
| write |
| Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
| email 4 (email:4) level commands |
| auto show statistics |
| Continuously displays email statistics. |
| cc <text> |
| Sets Cc addresses for email alerts. |
| <text> = a quoted, semicolon separated list of email ad- |
| dresses. |
| clear log |
| Clears all entries from the mail log. |
| clear mail counters |
| Sets the email counters to zero. |
| clrscrn |
| Clears the screen. |
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference | 52 |