| 5: Commands and Levels |
| to <text> |
| Sets To addresses for email alerts. |
| ||
| <text> = a quoted, semicolon separated list of email ad- |
| dresses. |
| write |
| Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
| enable (enable) level commands |
| auto show interfaces |
| Show interface statistics |
| auto show processes |
| Continuously show thread runtime information |
| clrscrn |
| Clears the screen. |
| configure |
| Enters the configuration level. |
| connect |
| Show name and number for lines. |
| connect line <line> |
| Begin session on serial port. |
| cpm |
| Enters the CP Manager level. |
| device |
| Enters the device level. |
| disable |
| Exits the enable level. |
| dns |
| Enters the DNS level. |
| email <number> |
| Enters the configure email level. |
| exit |
| Exit from the system |
| filesystem |
| Enters the filesystem level. |
| iperf <params> |
| Run iperf with command line parameters passed in quot- |
| ed string. |
| kill telnet <session> |
| Kills Telnet session with index from "show sessions" |
| line <line> |
| Enters the line level. |
| <line> = number of the line (serial port) to be configured. |
| ping <host> |
| Ping destination continuously with 5 second timeout |
| ping <host> <count> |
| Ping destination n times with 5 second timeout |
| ping <host> <count> <timeout> |
| Ping destination n times with x timeout (in seconds) |
| ping6 <host> |
| Ping IPv6 destination continuously with 5 second timeout |
| ping6 <host> <count> |
| Ping IPv6 destination n times with 5 second timeout |
| ping6 <host> <count> <timeout> |
| Ping IPv6 destination n times with x timeout (in seconds) |
| reload |
| Reboot system |
| reload factory defaults |
| Reload factory defaults to permanent storage |
| show |
| Show system information |
| show history |
| Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
| show interfaces |
| Show interface statistics |
| show ip sockets |
| Show UDP/TCP state information |
| show processes |
| Show thread runtime information |
| show sessions |
| Show active Telnet Sessions |
| telnet <host> |
| Begin telnet session on network <host>. |
| telnet <host> <port> |
| Begin telnet session on network <host>:<port>. |
| trace route <host> |
| Trace route to destination |
| trace route <host> <protocol> |
| Trace route to destination using TCP, ICMP, or UDP |
| tunnel <line> |
| Enters the tunnel level. |
| <line> = number of the tunnel line (serial port) to be con- |
| figured. |
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference | 54 |