| 5: Commands and Levels |
| log entries. |
default max timeout | Resets the timeout to its default value. |
default port | Resets the HTTP Server port to its default value. |
delete auth <uri> | Deletes an existing HTTP Server authentication directive. |
| <uri> = URI of the server. |
exit | Returns to the config level. |
log format <text> | Sets the log format string for the HTTP server, using the |
| following |
| directives: |
| %a remote ip address (could be a proxy) |
| %b bytes sent excluding headers |
| %B bytes sent excluding headers (0 = |
| %h remote host (same as %a) |
| %{h}i header contents from request (h = header string) |
| %m request method |
| %p ephemeral local port value used for request |
| %q query string (prepend with '?' or empty |
| %t timestamp HH:MM:SS (same as Apache |
| '%(%H:%M:%S)t') |
| %u remote user (could be bogus for 401 status) |
| %U URL path info |
| %r first line of request (same as '%m %U%q <version>') |
| %s return status |
logging state disable | Disables HTTP server logging. |
logging state enable | Enables HTTP server logging. |
max bytes <number> | Sets the maximum number of bytes the HTTP server ac- |
| cepts when receiving |
| a request. |
max log entries <number> | Sets the maximum number of HTTP server log entries. |
| <number> = maximum number of HTTP server log en- |
| tries. |
max timeout <seconds> | Sets the maximum time the HTTP server waits when re- |
| ceiving a request. |
| <seconds> = maximum timeout value. |
no clear counters | Restores the HTTP counters to the aggregate values. |
no port | Disables the HTTP Server port. |
port <number> | Sets the port number the HTTP server will use. |
| <number> = port number. |
show | Displays the current configuration. |
show auth | Displays the HTTP server authentication settings. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
show log | Displays the HTTP server log. |
show statistics | Displays the HTTP statistics. |
state disable | Disables the HTTP server. |
state enable | Enables the HTTP server. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
icmp |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
exit | Exits to the configuration level. |
show | Displays the current configuration. |
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference | 75 |