Kingston Technology quick start Quick Start, DataTraveler 400 Migo DT400, System Requirements

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Quick Start

DataTraveler® 400 - Migo (DT400)

For hardware installation, please refer to the hardware installation instructions included with the DT400.

System Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista®, XP SP1 and SP2, and 2000 SP4

Email: Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007 with POP3/SMTP and Exchange Server*, Lotus Notes 6.5 and 7.0 with POP3/SMTP and Domino*, Outlook Express 5.0 and 6.0, Windows Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 and 2.0

Web Browser: Windows Internet Explorer 5.0 - 7.0 and Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and 2.0

* Remote Systems require VPN connection

5.Click START to launch the MigoSync Profile Wizard.

6.Accept the license agreement to continue.

7.Now create a nickname for your new Migo Profile (Figure 3).


Helpful Hints are available via the right side of the Migo Wizard.

Creating Migo Profile(s) on Your Host Computer

1.Insert the DT400 into the computer’s USB port.

2.The DT400 will appear in My Computer (Computer in Vista) as Kingston (Removable Disk in Windows 2000). Double-click on the Kingston drive to access the Migo application.

3.Double-click MigoSync.exe (Figure 1) to launch Migo.

Figure 1: MigoSync.exe

4. After the Migo files extract to your computer, the MigoSync Welcome will appear (Figure 2).

Figure 2: MigoSync Welcome

DT400 - Migo QuickStart v1.3

Figure 3: Migo Profile Nickname

8.Click NEXT to continue.

9.You can include your Internet Home Page, Favorites, and other Internet settings into

your Migo profile by selecting, “Include my Browser settings…” Place a checkmark next to the available Browser(s) (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) you would like to synchronize into your Migo Profile. (Figure 4). Click NEXT to continue.

Figure 4: Internet Settings

Image 2
Contents Quick Start Guide System Requirements Quick StartDataTraveler 400 Migo DT400 Creating Migo Profiles on Your Host ComputerLogin to your Migo Profile on a Guest Computer Adding email accountsSynchronize Your Data with your Host Computer Migo TabCreación de perfiles Migo en su ordenador Inicio rápidoRequisitos del sistema Acceso a su perfil de Migo desde un ordenador como invitado Haga clic en Siguiente para continuarSincronización de sus datos con su ordenador doméstico Figura 8 Migo TabErstellen von Migo-Profilen auf Ihrem Host-Computer SchnellanleitungSystemanforderungen Anmeldung mit Ihrem Migo-Profil auf einem Gast-Computer Synchronisieren von Daten mit Ihrem Host-Computer Configuration système Guide de démarrage rapideConnexion à votre profil Migo sur un autre ordinateur Ajout de comptes de messagerieSynchronisation de vos données sur votre propre ordinateur Onglet MigoCreare profili Migo sul computer host Avvio rapidoRequisiti del sistema Accesso al proprio Profilo Migo da un altro computer Figura 5 Aggiungere account di posta elettronicaSincronizzare i propri dati con il computer di casa Figura 8 Scheda MigoCriação de perfis do Migo em seu computador host Início rápidoRequisitos do sistema Login do perfil Migo num computador visitante Figura 5 Adição de contas de e-mailSincronize os dados com o computador de sua casa Figura 8 guia MigoMigo-profielen op de hostcomputer maken Snelle StartSysteemeisen Toegang tot uw Migo-profiel via een gastcomputer Uw gegevens met uw hostcomputer synchroniseren Tworzenie profilu Migo na komputerze Podręcznik szybkiej obsługiWymagania systemowe Logowanie do profilu Migo Profile na innym komputerze Synchronizacja danych z komputerem domowym Uległ zmianie IlustracjaСоздание нового профиля ей Migo на вашем компьютере Host Краткое руководствоТребования к системе Как открыть профиль Migo на чужом компьютере СоветСинхронизация данных с домашним компьютером Ana Bilgisayarınızda Migo Profillerinin Oluşturulması Hızlı BaşlangıçSistem Gereksinimleri Konuk Bilgisayarda Migo Profiliniz ile Oturum Açın DT400’i uygun bir USB portuna takınAna Bilgisayarınız İle Verilerinizi Senkronize Edin DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart DT400 Migo QuickStart ˯ΪΒϟ Δϴϔϴϛ ΈϮμϟϭ ϮϳΪϴϔϟϭ ϰϘϴγϮϤϟ ΕΪϠΠϣ ˯ΎϨΜΘγ Migo Ϧϣ ΝϭήΨϟ ϞϴΠδΗ Ώ Ϣϗ 8 ϞϜθϟ DT400 Migo QuickStart