34 GB-Ware Firewall Product Guide
If you cancel the Setup Wizard, go to Basic Configuration then Features to enter your serial number and activation code. Next, enter your initial configuration information in Basic Configuration then Network Information. Your firewall will not be functional until these steps are performed, either by hand or Setup Wizard.
Setup Wizard
3. Host Name
Enter the host name of the firewall. The host name should be a
4. Contact Information
Fill in the contact information for your firewall. Select NEXT.
5. Serial Number and Activation
Enter your firewall’s serial number and activation code, which are retrievable from the GTA Support web site (https://gta.com/support/ center/login/) under VIEW PRODUCTS after registering your product. Select NEXT.
Select NO if you will not be using PPP on the external network inter- face, and go to step 6b. To use PPP/PPPoE/PPTP, toggle the field value to YES and click NEXT, then go to PPP Configuration.
Use PPP?
6b. DHCP
If your system will not utilize DHCP on the external network inter- face, select NO, and go to step 6c. If your system will use DHCP on the external network interface, select YES, and skip to step 7. (Typically, cable modem and xDSL sites use DHCP.)