Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 owner manual Audio Cables, Loudspeaker Connections

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When installing the audio cable between the cinch output of your car receiver and the cinch input of the amplifier inside your car, the audio and power supply cables should, wherever possible, not be routed along the same side of the vehicle. We recommend an isolated installation, e.g. routing the power cable through the cable duct on the left-hand side and the audio cable through the cable duct on the right-hand side or vice versa. This reduces interference due to crosstalk into the audio cables.


In normal operating mode (i.e. one loudspeaker on each individual amplifier channel), the lowest terminal resistance is 2 ohm per channel.

In bridging mode (two amplifier outputs combined) the lowest terminal resistance doubles to 4 ohm.

The impedance in tri-mode may not fall below 2 ohm per channel.

Never connect the loudspeakers' minus terminals to the vehicle chassis.

Never connect the +12 V supply voltage to a loudspeaker output as this would destroy the amplifier final stage.

If the amplifier is operated with lower terminal resistances or incorrectly used as described above, both the amplifier and the loudspeakers may be damaged. The warranty becomes void in such cases.



The input sensitivity may be adapted to any car radio or tape deck. Turn the volume control of your radio to its central position and then adjust the input-level control (3) to produce an average medium volume. This setting usually provides sufficient power reserves at optimum weighted noise voltage.

ATTENTION: only reproduce loud test noises briefly to prevent damaging the loudspeakers.


If the amplifier is used as a subwoofer amplifier, set the switch (7) to "LPF”. Set the desired cross-over frequency with the control (6). This makes the filter adaptable to the installed woofer's sound requirements.

The filter's high edge steepness is responsible for the precision reduction of medium and high frequency ranges.


If the amplifier is to be used as an amplifier for satellite loudspeakers (mid-range/tweeter loudspeakers), set switch (7) to "HPF". Set the desired cross-over frequency with the control (5). Only the frequencies above the set cross-over frequency will then be amplified. This effectively minimizes distortions caused by excessive membrane movement at low frequencies and small satellite loudspeakers without reducing the bass level.


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Contents Rock Page Abbildungen/Illustrations Technische Daten Rock Technische Änderungen Vorbehalten Besonderheiten Anschlüsse Stromversorgung UND Einschaltautomatik Wichtige Hinweise VOR DEM EinbauLautsprecheranschlüsse AudiokabelTiefpassfilter MIT Regelbarer Übergangsfrequenz Hochpassfilter MIT Regelbarer ÜbergangsfrequenzAusgänge ZUM Anschluss Weiterer Verstärker BASS-BOOSTBild 1 STROMVERSORGUNG- UND Ferneinschaltungsanschluss Bild 2 STEREO- BetriebBild 5 Bedienungselemente UND EIN-/AUSGÄNGE Bild 4 MONO-BETRIEB MIT Einem Autoradio MIT SubwooferausgangDear Magnat Customer Technical Data RockSubject to Technical Change Features Rock Connections Power Supply and Automatic Switching on Important Installation InformationHIGH-PASS Filter with Adjustable CROSS-OVER Frequency LOW-PASS Filter with Adjustable CROSS-OVER FrequencyAudio Cables Loudspeaker ConnectionsPower Supply / Remote SWITCH-ON Connection Outputs for Connecting Additional AmplifiersMono Mode with ONE CAR Radio with Subwoofer Output Caracteristiques Techniques Rock Stéréo / ponté 320 W / 1 x 1000 W Branchements Alimentation Electrique ET Allumage Automatique Recommandations Importantes Avant L’INSTALLATIONBranchements DES HAUT-PARLEURS Cables AudioFiltre PASSE-BAS a Frequence DE Recouvrement Reglable Filtre PASSE-HAUT a Frequence DE Recouvrement ReglableBranchement D’ENERGIE Electrique ET D’ALLUMAGE a Distance Sorties Pour LE Branchement D’AMPLIFICATEURS AdditionnelsElements D’UTILISATION DE L’APPAREIL ET Entree / Sortie Technische Gegevens Rock Geachte Magnat klantTechnische Wijzigingen Voorbehouden Bijzonderheden Aansluitingen Stroomvoorziening EN Automatische Inschakeling Belangrijke Instructies Voor DE MontageLaagdoorlaatfilter MET Regelbare Kantelfrequentie LuidsprekeraansluitingenBAS-BOOST Hoogdoorlaatfilter MET Regelbare KantelfrequentieUitgangen Voor DE Aansluiting VAN Extra Versterkers Afbeelding 2 STEREO- BedrijfAfbeelding 5 Bedieningselementen EN IN-/UITGANGEN Afbeelding 3 Brugbedrijf MET Stereo AutoradioDati Tecnici Rock Gentile cliente MagnatCON Riserva DI Apportare Modifiche Tecniche Particolarità Indicazioni Importanti Prima DEL Montaggio Collegamenti Altoparlanti Cavi AudioFiltro Passa Basso CON Frequenza DI Transizione Regolabile Filtro Passa Alto CON Frequenza DI Transizione RegolabileFigura 2 Funzionamento Stereo Uscite PER Collegare Altri AmplificatoriFigura 5 Elementi DI Comando E INGRESSI/USCITE Datos Técnicos Rock Estimado cliente de MagnatPotencia de salida nominal DIN 45 342, B+=14,4V 165 W 540 W Conexiones Abastecimiento Y Sistema DE Encendido Automático Indicaciones Importantes Previas AL MontajeAudiocable Filtro DE Paso Bajo CON Frecuencia DE Transición Regulable Conexión DE AltavocesFiltro DE Paso Alto CON Frecuencia DE Tránsito Regulable Ilustración 2 Funcionamiento Estéreo Salidas Para LA Conexión DE Amplificadores AdicionalesIlustración 5 Elementos DE MANDO, Entradas Y Salidas Dados Técnicos Rock Fusível 30 a Dimensões L x a x P 421 x 48 x 253 mm Peso Informações Importantes a Serem Observadas Antes DA Montagem Ligação DOS Altifalantes Regulador Bass boost Teknisk Data Rock Bäste Magnat kundMax. utgångseffekt 1 kHz Sinus Burst 28, B+=14,4V 500 W Anslutningar Strömförsörjning OCH Påkopplingsautomatik Viktiga Hänvisningar Före MontageLågpassfilter MED Justerbar Växelfrekvens HögtalaranslutningarHögpassfilter MED Justerbar Växelfrekvens Utgångar Till Anslutning AV Ytterligare FörstärkareBild 2 STEREO-DRIFT Bild 1 STRÖMFÖRSÖRJNINGS- / FjärrstyrningsanslutningarBild 3 Bryggad Drift MED STEREO-BILRADIO Bild 4 MONO-DRIFT MED Bilradio MED SubwooferutgångТехнические Данные Rock Уважаемый покупатель MAGNATаВозможны Технические Изменения Особенности Входы И Выходы Электропитание И Автоматика Включения Важная Информация Перед УстановкойПодключения Громкоговорителей АудиокабельФильтр Нижних Частот С Регулируемой Переходной Частотой Усиление Низких Частот BASS-BOOST Фильтр Верхних Частот С Регулируемой Переходной ЧастотойВыходы ДЛЯ Подключения Других Усилителей РИС.1 Подключение Электропитания И Дистанционного ВключенияРИС Элементы Системы Управления И ВХОДЫ/ВЫХОДЫ РИС Режим Перемычки С Автомобильным СтереорадиоприёмникомMagnat LED REM „LPF „HPF Line Input Line OUT 1 L R Full / LPF KOhm 40 300 Hz 䯴LED䰆䭷䮱䯃䮺䯵䬙䭗䭂 䭲䯃䮰䭿䭱䬽 Cinch +12V „LPF Line Input Line OUT 1 L 䬽䭩䮺䮞䬽 Page Page Page Page Garantiekarte Warranty Card