Welcome to Zip® Drive!
Zip® Internal ATAPI drive offers you everything a standard Zip® drive has with the ease of installing to an existing IDE channel on your computer! Here’s how to get started using your new drive and software:
Install your Zip® Internal drive and IomegaWare™ software using the instructions in the Installation Guide (pages
Check the User’s Guide (pages
Insert a Zip® disk and start using your new Zip drive to:
Expand your computer storage – 250MB or 100MB at a time...
Move your work to different locations and computers... Back up your hard disk quickly and easily*... Create a multimedia library...
Store large scanned or downloaded files... Protect sensitive information... Organize large amounts of information... Take work home or on the road... Store and run all your games... Stretch the limits of your creativity!
M*IMPORTANT! Two or more blank 250MB Zip® disks are required to utilize the full backup and recovery capabilities of the software
package included with your drive. For maximum reliability, use only Genuine 250MB and 100MB Zip® disks. M