Table of Contents
n Set Inch Mode (Imperial) | 23 |
P Set Print Speed | 23 |
Q Set Quantity Of Labels To Print | 23 |
R Set Row Offset Amount | 23 |
r Recall Stored Label Format | 23 |
S Set Slew Rate | 24 |
s Store Label Format In Module | 24 |
T Set Field Data Line Terminator | 24 |
U Make Previous Field A String Replace Field | 24 |
X Terminate | 24 |
y Select Font Symbol Set | 24 |
z Zero (Ø) Conversion to “0” | 24 |
STX S Recall Global Data And Place In Field | 25 |
STX T Print Time and Date | 25 |
Font Loading Command Functions | 25 |
ESC *c###D - Assign Font ID Number | 25 |
ESC )s###W - Font Descriptor | 25 |
ESC *c###E - Character Code | 25 |
ESC (s#W - Character Download Data | 25 |
Barcode Symbologies | 25 |
3 Command Enhancements And Differences | 27 |
SOH # - Reset | 27 |
SOH *- Reset | 27 |
SOH A - Send ASCII Status String | 27 |
SOH B - Toggle Pause | 27 |
SOH C - Stop/Cancel | 27 |
SOH D - SOH Shutdown | 27 |
SOH E - Send Batch Quantity | 28 |
SOH F - Send Status Byte | 28 |
SOH U - Update System Database with Current Database ... | 28 |
STX J - Set Pause for Each Label | 28 |
STX KC - Get Configuration | 28 |
STX Kc - Configuration Set | 28 |
STX Kd - Set File as Factory Default | 28 |
STX KF - Select Factory Defaults | 29 |
STX Kf - Set Present Distance | 29 |
STX Kp - Module Protection | 29 |
STX KQ - Query Memory Configuration | 29 |
STX Kq - Query Memory Configuration (new format) | 29 |
STX Kr - Resettable Counter Reset | 29 |
STX KV - Verifier Enable/Disable | 29 |