3 | 9084 Function Submenu List and Descriptions |
9084 Function Submenu List and Descriptions
Table 3-2individually lists and describes each 9084 function submenu “tab” and its related list selections, controls, and parameters. Where helpful, examples showing usage of a function are also provided. Table 3-2is primarily based upon using DashBoard™ to access each function and its corresponding submenus and parameters.
Note: All numeric (scalar) parameters displayed on DashBoard™ can be changed using the slider controls, arrows, or by numeric keypad entry in the corre- sponding numeric field. (When using numeric keypad entry, add a return after the entry to commit the entry.)
Note: Table 3-2also provides abbreviated menu structure charts showing the menu structure for accessing the function/parameter using the card edge controls. Where this is not shown for a particular control, this indicates the control is not available using card edge controls.
If using card edge controls, refer to 9084 Card Edge Control Menu/Submenu Structure (p. 3-4)and Figure 3-3for an explanation and an example of card edge control menu structure navigation.
On DashBoard™ itself and in Table 3-2,the function submenu items are organized using tabs as shown below.
The table below provides a quick-reference to the page numbers where each function submenu item can be found.
Function Submenu Item | Page | | Function Submenu Item | Page |
| | | | |
Video Proc | 3-15 | | Framesync | 3-22 |
| | | | |
AFD | 3-18 | | Presets | 3-25 |
| | | | |
Color Correction | 3-19 | | | |
| | | | |
3-14 | 9084 PRODUCT MANUAL | 9084-OM (V4.0) |