First, the Preferences screen allows you to change the default directory into which documents created on your organizer are saved when they are synchronized to your desktop computer. By default these documents are synchronized to your My Documents folder (for Windows) or in the WordSmith folder in the Palm user folder inside the Palm desktop folder (for Macintosh) on your desktop. You can hit the Choose button to select a different location for these files to go. The WordSmith Preferences dialog box also lets you choose what file extension you would like these files to have (Windows only). Currently, the choice is .doc or .rtf. For those of you who are using word processors other than Microsoft Word, .rtf is the most appropriate choice.
Second, WordSmith allows you to preserve the stylesheets of documents created on your desktop. By default, WordSmith is not set up to preserve these stylesheets for performance reasons (they would require a lot of memory on your organizer). To change the default option to “Always” preserve stylesheets or “Ask”, simply click on the
Lastly, WordSmith similarly allows you to preserve pictures from your desktop documents. You are given the option to store these images on the desktop, on the organizer or to be asked what your preference for a given document is before you synchronize it. For performance reasons, we suggest storing the pictures on your desktop (which is the default option).
Help Click on the Help button to access the WordSmith manual. (Windows only) Done or Quit Click on the Done or Quit button to close the WordSmith window.
WordSmith Add-On to Microsoft Word Menu (Windows only)
If you are already in Microsoft Word, using the WordSmith