thinker system; 22: use suntek system; 28: use txtc system.
set serviceaddr XXXX
Set IP address or domain name of gatekeeper.
set serviceid XXXXX
Set service ID according to required by service system.
set nattraversal X
Set NAT traversal or not. X ranged from 0 through 7: 0: do not use. When the log in server and gateway in the same LAN, or the log in system supports the gateway working behind the LAN; 1: Use NAT traversal. When the login system does not support gateway working behind the LAN, please use this value to search public IP address of the NAT device. With this item selected, please make port mapping on NAT device; 2: With Citron private protocol used, use this value to fit into the GnuGK system transferring the voice and signal by router; 3: use this value with Innopath private system used; 5: use this value with vida private system used; 6: aivgr use this value with aivgr private system used; 7: use this value with Eproxy private system used.
set nataddr XXXXX
Set IP address of NAT device wan port or URI of free assistant service (Such as www.showmyip.com etc.) in Internet.
NOTE The free service list of Internet |