set debug X
Set open debugging message output grade for special tool. X is ranged from 0 through 5: 0: close debugging output; 1: output the operation information to the window; 2: output all the bug information and data in test window; 3: save the bug information into SDRAM; 4: disable checks the mark.
set upgradeaddr XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Set IP address or domain name of FTP server supplying upgraded program of
No needed to set for the
set daylight X
No needed to set for the
set timezone XX
No needed to set for the
Command store
Syntax description: no keyword. Parameter ranged from 0 through 4.
Usage: Save the current settings to the designated position.
Relevant Usage: store 1
Command load
Syntax description: no keyword. Parameter ranged from 0 through 4.
Usage: Load the designated settings to the current position.
Relevant Usage: load 1
Command exit