¾DHCP Server - Enable or Disable the DHCP server. If you disable the Server, you must have another DHCP server within your network or else you must manually configure the computer.
¾Start IP Address - This field specifies the first of the addresses in the IP address pool. is the default start address.
¾End IP Address - This field specifies the last of the addresses in the IP address pool. is the default end address.
¾Address Lease Time - The Address Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be allowed connection to the router with their current dynamic IP Address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, the user will be "leased" this dynamic IP Address. The range of the time is 1 ~ 2880 minutes. The default value is 120 minutes.
¾Default Gateway - (Optional.) Suggest to input the IP address of the LAN port of the router, default value is
¾Default Domain - (Optional.) Input the domain name of your network.
¾Primary DNS - (Optional.) Input the DNS IP address provided by your ISP. Or consult your ISP.
¾Secondary DNS - (Optional.) Input the IP address of another DNS server if your ISP provides two DNS servers.
Note: To use the DHCP server function of the router, you must configure all computers on the LAN as "Obtain an IP Address automatically" mode. This function will take effect until the router reboots.
5.6.2 DHCP Clients List
This page shows Client Name, MAC Address, Assigned IP and Lease Time for each DHCP Client attached to the router (figure
¾Index - The index of the DHCP Client
¾Client Name - The name of the DHCP client
¾MAC Address - The MAC address of the DHCP client
¾Assigned IP - The IP address that the router has allocated to the DHCP client.
¾Lease Time - The time of the DHCP client leased. Before the time is up, DHCP client will request to renew the lease automatically.
You cannot change any of the values on this page. To update this page and to show the current attached devices, click on the Refresh button.
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