Set Vertical Tab Channels
Set Vertical Tab Channels
ASCII Code | ESC / m |
Hex Code | 1B 2F m |
Dec Code | 27 47 m |
Purpose | The value for m specifies the number of the tab sets being |
| changed; these sets of tabs are called vertical formatting unit |
| (VFU) channels. |
| Where: |
| 0 <= m <= 7 |
Comment | You must use this command to select a tab set (VFU channel) |
| other than set 0; the VT (tab vertically) command then uses the |
| settings for the selected channel. |
| You can select from eight sets of tabs (VFU channels). |
Set Vertical Tabs
ASCII Code ESC B n1 n2 … nk NUL
Hex Code 1B 42 n1 n2 … nk 00
Dec Code 27 66 n1 n2 … nk 0
Purpose Sets vertical tab positions (in the current line spacing) at the lines specified by n1 to nk, as measured from the
The values for n must be in ascending order; a value of n less than the previous n ends tab setting (just like the NUL code).
0 <= k <= 16
1 <= n <= 255
nk >
Comment Changing the line spacing does not affect previous tab settings.
The tab settings move to match any subsequent movement in the
Send an ESC B NUL command to cancel all tab settings.
A maximum of 16 vertical tabs can be set.
The printer stores all tab settings, even if outside the printing area; if you increase the page length to include previously set tabs, you can move to those positions with the VT (tab vertically) command.
Sending the ESC B command clears any previous tab settings.