Exercise reasonable care when servicing P310 printers, as follows:
Other than prescribed operator maintenance, only qualified personnel should remove the case or otherwise attempt to repair this equipment. Eltron offers product training to those wishing to service this equipment.
Servicing personnel must avoid touching exposed circuitry. Inputs to the Power Supply operate at power line voltages. Any removal of protective insulation can expose dangerous voltages. Always remove the power cord while effecting repairs.
During operation, the Print Head operates at an elevated temperature. Exercise caution when touching parts on or near this area.
Servicing Personnel should avoid any rough handling of the Printers or their component parts. The icon to the left also serves as an indicator alerting conditions of general concern to users.
An electrostatic discharge (ESD) of energy can damage or destroy the circuit components inside the Printer. People acquire such charges while they move around. ESD problems typically increase during periods of low humidity.
Users should not twist the Printer Ribbon Take Up Spindle manually. Doing so unnecessarily stresses an associated belt. Any slack left after a ribbon installation gets removed during an initialization that occurs with the
Particle contamination, such as dust, can reduce image quality and produce excess wear to some printer components. Locate Printers and print media in areas essentially contamination free.
To avoid fiber deposits, any Cleaning Swabs used must have foam tips. Also, cleaning solution impurities can leave deposits. Therefore, only use