EPS2U Power Supply Design Guide, V2.1
8.2PWOK (Power OK)
PWOK is a power OK signal and will be pulled HIGH by the power supply to indicate that all the outputs are within the regulation limits of the power supply. When any output voltage falls below regulation limits or when AC power has been removed for a time sufficiently long so that power supply operation is no longer guaranteed, PWOK will be deasserted to a LOW state. See Figure 3 for a representation of the timing characteristics of PWOK. The start of the PWOK delay time shall be inhibited as long as any power supply output is in current limit.
Table 29: PWOK Signal Characteristics
Signal Type | +5V TTL Compatible output signal |
| |
PWOK = High | Power OK |
| |
PWOK = Low | Power Not OK |
| MIN | MAX |
Logic level low voltage, Isink = 4 mA | 0 V | 0.4 V |
| |
Logic level high voltage, Isource=200 µA | 2.4 V | 5.25 V |
PWOK delay: Tpwok_on | 200 ms | 1000 ms |
| |
PWOK rise and fall time |
| 100 µs |
Power down delay: T pwok_off | 1 ms | 200 ms |
8.3Field Replacement Unit (FRU) Signals
Two pins will be allocated for the FRU information on the power supply connector. One pin is the Serial Clock (SCL). The second pin is used for Serial Data (SDA). Both pins are
8.3.1FRU Data
FRU data shall be stored starting in address location 8000h through 80FFh. The FRU data format shall be compliant with the IPMI specifications. The current versions of these specifications are available at: http:\\developer.intel.com/design/servers/ipmi/spec.htm.
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