Using ViewRTU | TankGate Interface |
Configuring the point involves entering configuration parameters. In some cases, connections to other points are required in order to perform a task. Creating connections involves setting references to allow data to be transferred between points.
An outline of the section is listed below: Single Points
This section describes the method used to configure individual points including:
•Adding a Point
•This section describes how to define a point from the Main window.
•Entering Point Data
•This section describes how to enter the point’s parameters. Parameters are entered from the Edit Point Window.
•Modifying Strap Tables
•This section describes how to modify strap tables in ViewRTU. Multiple Points
This section describes the spreadsheet mode. The principles involved in point configuration are the same, but the methods are slightly different.
•Adding Multiple Points
•This section describes how to define a point from either the Main window or the Spreadsheet Mode window.
•Entering Point Data
•This section describes how to enter a point’s parameters. Parameters are entered from the Spreadsheet Mode window. and Editing Connections
This section describes how to create connections between various points. Points may be used to retrieve and/or deliver data from other points.
6.6.2Configuring Single Points
Configuring the point involves entering configuration parameters. In some cases, connections between points must also be required in order to perform a function. All of these steps can be implemented from the Point Connections window. To display the Point Connections window, follow one of the methods listed below: a Point
The user is able to add a point or point type by clicking on the Add Point push- button from the toolbar or by selecting Add from the Point menu.Once the point is added, the user is then able to configure the point. Defined point types appear in the Point Icon Selection Area and in the Spreadsheet Summary of the
main window. Point Data
This section describes how to configure the parameters of any point. Each point has its own Edit Point window that requires some degree of configuration. Both the configuration and dynamic attributes of the point are found in the Edit Point Window. From this window, the user is able to view and edit database parameters.
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