8315 L&J Tankway Software Description | TankGate Interface | |
| Configuration | Function |
| Parameters |
| RespDelay | Time in milliseconds that RTU will delay a response to the Host. The |
| default is 50 msec. |
| SynchMax | The SynchMax is used by some slave protocols for auto- |
| synchronization of the BaudRate. The SynchMax is used to determine if |
| the BaudRate is correct. If the SynchMax is zero, then no |
| synchronization is attempted. |
| DirectPort | The DirectPort is used then the Protocol is set to Direct. |
Dynamic Parameters | Function |
CommStatus | Coded variable indicating the |
| point |
State | Current state of the message being sent/received |
Command | Current command being processed |
Status | Status if the last message |
CommErrors | The number of communication errors |
NumTrans | The number of transactions |
Elapse | Time of the last Change of State |
PntCheckSum | |
The COM point controls the operation of Host and Slave communications. The Baud Rate, Communications Parameters and Protocol may be changed by assigning values to the appropriate parameter. Each Com port is independent of the other and completely flexible in its use.
For example, the user may configure the system to communicate with a single host redundantly using the same protocol. Alternatively, the TankGate can communicate to different hosts using different protocols, allowing the TankGate to act as a bridge. Other options include assigning one COM point to communicate with a Slave device while communicating to a Host system on the other.
36 | Installation and Operations Manual |