32 Chapter 5 Greetings
Recording a Personalized mailbox greeting
If your company subscribes to a CLID service, you can record a Personalized mailbox greeting. For more information about CLID, ask your System Administrator. A Personalized mailbox greeting plays only for a person calling from the telephone number that you designate. For the Personalized mailbox greeting to play, the telephone number you enter must match the caller’s phone number exactly.
You can record up to three Personalized mailbox greetings, but you can assign each greeting to only one telephone number.
If you record a Personalized greeting, program your mailbox to receive messages and choose an Alternate mailbox greeting, the Personalized greeting takes precedence over any other greetings. If you program your mailbox not to receive messages and choose an Alternate mailbox greeting, the Alternate mailbox greeting takes precedence over any other greeting, including Personalized mailbox greetings.
To record a Personalized mailbox greeting
| 1 | Press ≤·°⁄. |
| Follow the voice prompts or the display button options on your |
| telephone to open your mailbox. |
| 2 | If you use the CallPilot interface: |
| • Press °¤to open the Greetings Options menu |
| • Go to step 3 |
| If you use the Norstar Voice Mail interface: |
| • Press ADMIN or ° |
| • Press GREET or ¤ |
| • Go to step 3 |
Greeting options | 3 | Press REC or ⁄. | ||
Greeting: |
| 4 | Press PERS or ‹to record a Personalized mailbox greeting. | |
Greeting: |
| 5 | Enter a Personalized greeting number of 1, 2, or 3. | |
| OK |
Ph:<none> | OK | 6 | Press CHNG or ⁄. | |
| |
Ph: |
| 7 | Enter the phone number (maximum 10 digits) that you are |
| OK |
| assigning the Personalized mailbox greeting to. |
Press OK or £to accept the phone number.
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