98 Chapter 12 Broadcast and Information messages
Recording an Information mailbox greeting
Before you record an Information mailbox greeting, you must determine what the greeting includes. Be sure to include important times and dates.
For example: “Paddy’s Dance Studio proudly presents an extravaganza of dance. The entertainment begins at 8:00 pm on the fourth of July.Toddlers tap is in the White Room.Folk dance is in the Green Room. Classical ballet is in the Pink Room. Contemporary jazz is in the Blue Room. The studio and recital rooms are located at 222 Main Street.”
Write the greeting down and practice reading it aloud. When you are confident the greeting includes everything you want it to, record the greeting. If you are using a phone system with bilingual capability, you must record the Information mailbox greeting in both languages.
An Information mailbox greeting can be either a Primary or an Alternate mailbox greeting.
To record an Information mailbox greeting
Log: |
| 1 | Press ≤·°⁄. |
| OK | Enter the mailbox number and password, then |
| |
| press OK or £. |
| The System Administrator creates the password when they |
| initialize the mailbox. Ask the System Administrator for the |
| Information mailbox password. |
Primary greeting | 2 | Press REC or ⁄. | ||
| |
Record greeting? | 3 | At the sound of the tone, record the Information mailbox greeting. | ||
| OK | Press OK or £when you are done. |
| |
Accept greeting? | 4 | Press OK or £to accept the recording | ||
| OK | or |
| |
| press PLAY or ⁄to listen to the greeting |
| or |
| press RETRY or ¤to rerecord the greeting. |
Primary greeting | 5 | Press QUIT or £to end the session. | ||
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