Chapter 5 Greetings 29
Recording a Primary or Alternate mailbox greeting
Only a Primary mailbox greeting is necessary, but you can record an Alternate mailbox greeting for times when you are out of the office, such as vacations. If you do not record any mailbox greetings, your Company Directory name recording plays to callers who reach your mailbox.
If you record both Primary and Alternate mailbox greetings, you must choose which greeting plays. If you do not choose a greeting, the Primary mailbox greeting automatically plays. For information on how to choose a greeting, refer to “Choosing a Primary or Alternate mailbox greeting” on page 30”.
To record a Primary or Alternate mailbox greeting
1Press ≤·°⁄.
Follow the voice prompts or the display button options to open your mailbox.
2If you use the CallPilot interface:
•Press °¤to open the Greetings Options menu
•Go to step 3
If you use the Norstar Voice Mail interface:
•Press ADMIN or °
•Press GREET or ¤
•Go to step 3
Greeting options | 3 | Press REC or ⁄. | ||
Greeting: |
| 4 | Press PRIME or ⁄to record the Primary greeting | |
| or |
press ALT or ¤to record the Alternate greeting.
If you are changing a greeting, the current greeting starts to play.
Not recorded
Record now?
Record greeting:
Accept greeting?
5If this is the first time you are recording a greeting, this display appears briefly.
6Press YES or ⁄and record your greeting at the tone.
7Press OK or £to end the recording.
8Press OK or £to accept the recording or
press PLAY or ⁄to listen to the greeting or
press RETRY or ¤to rerecord the greeting.
9Press ®to end the session.
CallPilot Reference Guide