Appendix C
Opos function properties comparison
Name | Function |
| Remarks | |||
CapConcurrentJrnRec | Property to determine if concurrent printing on | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
| the journal and receipt stations is possible. |
CapConcurrentJrnSlp | Property to determine if concurrent printing on | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
the journal and slip station is possible. |
| ||||
| |
CapConcurrentRecSlp | Property to determine if concurrent printing on | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
the receipt and slip stations is possible. |
| ||||
CapCoverSensor | Property to determine if the printer’s cover is | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
open. |
| ||||
| |
CapTransaction | Property to determine if the printer transaction | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
are supported. |
| ||||
| |
CapCharacterSet | Holds the default Character set capability. | PTR_CCS_ASCIIPTR_CCS_ASCI | PTR_CCS_ASCII |
| |
| (*1) If serial interface model, the state is OPOS_PR_STANDARD | |
| If parallel interface model, the state is OPOS_PR_NOTE |
| (*2) | If serial or USB interface model, the state is |
CapPowerReporting | Property to determine if the power states are | Note(*1) | Note(*2) | Note(*3) | OPOS_PR_STANDARD | |
supported |
| If parallel interface model, the state is OPOS_PR_NO | ||||
| ||
| (*3) | If serial or USB interface model, the state is |
| If parallel or EtherNet interface model, the state is OPOS_PR_NO |
CapRec2Color | Property to determine if 2 color printing | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
functions are available on the receipt station. |
| ||||
| |
CapRecBarCode | Property to determine if bar code printing | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
functions are available on the receipt station. |
| ||||
| |
CapRecBold | Property to determine if bold printing functions | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
are available on the receipt station. |
| ||||
| |
CapRecDhigh | Property to determine if double high printing | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
functions are available on the receipt station. |
| ||||
| |
CapRecDwide | Property to determine if double wide printing | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
functions are available on the receipt station. |
| ||||
| |
| Property to determine if double wide and double |
CapRecDwideDhigh | high printing functions are available on the | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
| receipt station. |
CapRecEmptySensor | Property to determine if there is a paper out | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
sensor on the receipt station. |
| ||||
| |
CapRecItalic | Property to determine if italic printing functions | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
are available on the receipt station. |
| ||||