7.After you have ensured the pen display is properly mounted and that the stand operates smoothly, then move Cintiq to your desired work location.
•Adjust height and incline so the display stand support arms are locked upright, with Cintiq positioned horizontally. Place all cables on top of the stand base and ensure they do not hang free. Tripping over loose cables can cause physical damage or personal injury.
•Request assistance from another person or persons. Each person should securely grasp the lower part of a display support arm near the display stand base. With the other hand, grasp the base of the stand at the front corner. Using care, lift and carefully move this product while supporting the base of the stand.
Important: The assembly is heavy. Do not attempt to lift Cintiq by yourself. Each person should use both hands to securely grasp the product. Grasp the stand base at the corner areas to avoid any sharp edging. DO NOT lift the display unit itself, otherwise damage might occur to the LCD if it flexes during movement. Also, the display unit does not have sufficient strength to support the load of the stand hanging freely from it. Work together, and lift carefully.
•Locate Cintiq on a desktop or other working surface that is flat, clean, and free of any moisture or oily film. Taking care not to pinch your fingers, do this by first placing the rear half portion of the stand onto the table surface. Then slide the stand fully into place so that it will not tip or fall.
•When in place, use the incline levers to rotate the display back to a vertical position.
8.If the connection cables were previously removed from the stand, properly relocate them. See cable replacement. Properly connect the cables to the pen display and replace the connector covers.