Dell PP36 manual Troubleshooting

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D R I V E N O T R E A D Y The operation requires a hard drive in the bay before it can continue. Install a hard drive in the hard drive bay. See your Service Manual at for more information.

E R R O R R E A D I N G PCMCIA C A R D The computer cannot identify the ExpressCard. Reinsert the card or try another card. See your Service Manual at for more information.

E X T E N D E D M E M O R Y S I Z E H A S C H A N G E D The amount of memory recorded in

nonvolatile memory (NVRAM) does not match the memory installed in the computer. Restart the computer. If the error appears again, contact Dell (see "Contacting Dell" on page 64).

T H E F I L E B E I N G C O P I E D I S T O O L A R G E F O R T H E D E S T I N A T I O N D R I V E The file

that you are trying to copy is too large to fit on the disk, or the disk is full. Try copying the file to a different disk or use a larger capacity disk.

AF I L E N A M E C A N N O T C O N T A I N A N Y O F T H E F O L L O W I N G C H A R A C T E R S : \ / : * ? “ <

>Do not use these characters in filenames.

G A T E A20 F A I L U R E A memory module may be loose. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them. See your Service Manual at for more information.

G E N E R A L F A I L U R E The operating system is unable to carry out the command. The message is usually followed by specific information—for example, Printer out of paper. Take the appropriate action.

H A R D - D I S K D R I V E C O N F I G U R A T I O N E R R O R The computer cannot identify the

drive type. Shut down the computer, remove the hard drive (see your Service Manual at, and boot the computer from a CD. Then, shut down the computer, reinstall the hard drive, and restart the computer. Run the Hard Disk Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 38).

H A R D - D I S K D R I V E C O N T R O L L E R F A I L U R E 0 — The hard drive does not respond

to commands from the computer. Shut down the computer, remove the hard drive (see the Service Manual on, and boot the computer from a CD. Then, shut down the computer, reinstall the hard drive, and restart the computer. If the problem persists, try another drive. Run the Hard Disk Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 38).



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