1Blue interface connector (on EIDE1)
2Interface cable
3Power cable
4Power input connector on drive
5Interface connector on drive
NOTICE: You must match the blue connector on the interface cable to the IDE1 connector on the system board to avoid possible damage to your system.
9.If it is not already connected, connect the blue connector of the EIDE cable to the IDE1 connector on the system board. To locate the IDE1 connector, see "System Board Components."
10.Replace the computer cover. Then reconnect your computer and peripherals to their electrical outlets, and turn them on.
11.If the drive you just installed is the primary drive, insert a bootable diskette into the diskette drive (usually drive A).
12.Reset the chassis intrusion detector. While in System Setup, update the appropriate Primary Drive option, 0 or 1.
13.Partition and logically format your drive before you proceed to the next step. See the documentation for your operating system for instructions.
14.If the drive you just installed is the primary drive, install your operating system on the
System Power Supply
Figure 20. Power Supply Removal
1AC power cable
2AC power receptacle
3Power supply cradle
4DC power cables
5Securing tab
To remove the system power supply, perform the following steps:
1.Disconnect the AC power cable from the back of the power supply.
2.Free the system power supply from the securing tab labeled "RELEASE
3.Disconnect the DC power cables from the system board and the drives.
Note the routing of the DC power cables underneath the tabs in the chassis as you remove them from the system board and drives. It is important to route these cables properly when you replace them to prevent them from being pinched or crimped.
4.Remove the screw above the AC power receptacle.
5.Lift up on the power supply cradle tab to release the power supply from the cradle and slide the power supply toward the front of the computer approximately 1 inch.