access blocking 41 remote 87
restricting by MAC address 35 to a remote computer 58
to the router 7 viewing logs 45
access control turning off 18 turning on 36
account name 12
custom service 62 priority rules 70 reserved IP addresses 50 static routes 55 wireless clients 30, 34, 80 See also configuring
administrator password, changing 38 advanced wireless settings 29 advertisement period 67
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption 28 applications, QoS for 70
attached devices 82
authentication, required by mail server 47 automatic logout 9
backing up configuration file 83 backing up, transfer time 76 basic settings 24
Big Pond 15
blocking access 41 inbound traffic 57
broadband Internet 74 broadcast status 80
cables, checking 92 channel, frequency 25
channel, wireless port 80 clients, adding 30, 34, 80 communication mode 25, 80 compatibility, protocol and standards 103 compliance, wireless 105
configuration file backing up 83 erasing 84 managing 83
advanced security 29 basic security 24 DMZ server 53 Dynamic DNS 52 LAN IP settings 48 NAT 54
port forwarding 61 port triggering 64 WPA security 28 WPS 33
See also adding
connection mode 15 connection status settings 81 connection types 74 content filtering 41 CTS/RTS Threshold 30
custom service (port forwarding) 62
data packets, fragmented 73 date and time, troubleshooting 99 daylight savings time 47, 99 default DMZ server 53
default factory settings listed 101 restoring 100
default gateway 81
default LAN IP configuration 49 deleting configuration 84 device name 49
DHCP server 50, 81 DHCP setting 79