NXC-COM2 Send_Commands (Cont.)
Command Description
TSET BAUD Temporarily set the
| Syntax: |
| SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'TSET BAUD <baud>,<parity>,<data>,<stop> [485 <Enable Disable>]'" |
| Variables: |
| Baud: baud rates are: 230400, 115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, |
| 300, 150. |
| Parity: N (none), O (odd), E (even), M (mark), S (space) |
| Data: 7 or 8 data bits |
| Stop: 1 or 2 stop bits |
| 485 Disable: Disables |
| 485 Enable: Enables |
| Note: The only valid 9 bit combination is (baud),N,9,1. |
| Example: |
| SEND_COMMAND RS232_1,"'TSET BAUD 115200,N,8,1 485 ENABLE'" |
| Sets the RS232_1 port's communication parameters to 115,200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, |
| and enables |
TXCLR | Stop and clear all characters waiting in the transmit out buffer and stops transmission. |
| Syntax: |
| Example: |
| Clears and stops all characters waiting in the RS232_1 device's transmit buffer. |
XOFF | Disable software handshaking (default). |
| Syntax: |
| Example: |
| Disables software handshaking on the RS232_1 device. |
XON | Enable software handshaking. |
| Syntax: |
| Example: |
| SEND_COMMAND RS232_1,"'XON'" |
| Enables software handshaking on the RS232_1 device. |
NXC-COM2 Send_String Escape Sequences
NXC-COM2 Send_String Escape Sequences
Command Description
27,17,<time> Send a break character for a specified duration to a specific device. Syntax:
SEND_STRING <DEV>,"27,17,<time>"
time = 1 - 255. Measured in 100 microsecond increments.
SEND_STRING RS232_1,"27,17,10"
Sends a break character of 1 millisecond to the RS232_1 device.
NetLinx Cardframe, Control Cards, and NetModules - Operation Reference Guide | 9 |