AMX nxc manual Levoff, Levon

Page 36

NXC-VAI4 Analog Voltage Control Card

NXC-VAI4 Send_Commands (Cont.)






Sets the maximum allowable deviation of final servo position when executing the GL command. The


level of the specified input or output will only be reported when a change greater than this deviation


occurs. Deviation 0 is most accurate, but can have some oscillation, so the default is 2, i.e. the position


as read at corresponding input I/O <x+4> can be within +/-2 from the specified position.








I/O: Any input or output ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'. '8')


DEVIATION: Number between 0 and 127 (default = 2)






Sets I/O 1 servo output to 10.




This command puts the card in servo (positional) control mode. The range of the position is 0-255 (if AD


MODE is set to '8'), or 0-65535 (if AD MODE is set to '10'). See AD MODE earlier in this section for


details.Position 0 is the low end of the potentiometer (lowest voltage); position 255 (or 65535) is the


high end of the potentiometer (highest voltage) with 128 (or 32768) as the middle of the range.








I/O: Any Output ('1', '2, '3', 4')


POSITION: Number between 0-255 or 0-65535 (depends on AD MODE)


Example (Assuming the current position is 0):




Sets Output 1 to "CURRENT OUTPUT 1 SPEED" (positive) and waits until Input 1 reads within


"OUTPUT 1 MAXIMUM DEVIATION" of 255 and then resets the output to zero speed. The speed output


may have a more complex profile than as set by the "GAS" command.




Sets the speed variable to be used for future positional (GL) commands. The change of speed takes


place immediately even if a positional change operation is currently in progress. The voltage output for


speed 0 (i.e. when no motion is desired) is at the mid-point between the Min and Max output voltages.


The positive speed 127 is the max and negative speed 127 is the min. Other speeds are scaled










I/O: Any Output ('1', '2, '3', 4')


SPEED: A fixed output value in the range of 0 (slowest)-127 (fastest - default)






Sets Output 1 servo speed to 64 (50%).




The NXC-VAI4 will not transmit any level value messages after the receipt of this command until the


receipt of the LEVON command.






The NXC-VAI4 will not transmit any level value messages until after the receipt of this command. This


command is sent automatically when the CREATE_LEVEL command is executed.






NetLinx Cardframe, Control Cards, and NetModules - Operation Reference Guide

Image 36
Contents NetLinx Cardframe Control Cards NetModules Operation/Reference GuideAMX Limited Warranty and Disclaimer Table of Contents NXC-I/O10 Input/Output Control Card NXC-VOL4 Volume Control Card Page NXF Cardframe Specifications NXF Cardframe SpecificationsNXF CardFrame and NetModules OverviewRear Panel Components +12 VDC PWRPosition NXS-NMS NetModules Specifications NXS-NMS NetModulesNumber PortMounting modules into an equipment rack Specifications NXC-COM2 SpecificationsNXC-COM2 Dual COM Port Control Card DeviceidPinouts and Wiring Configuration NXC-COM2 Channel AssignmentNXC-COM2 Programming Information Chard ChardmCtspsh GET BaudHson RxclrRxoff RxonNXC-COM2 SendString Escape Sequences TxclrXoff XONCommand Description 27,18,0 27,18,127,19,time 27,20,0NXC-I/O10 Specifications NXC-I/O10 Input/Output Control CardPinouts, Signals, and I/O Mode Functions Setting the Switch/Voltage Mode JumpersNXC-I/O10 Pinouts, Signals, and I/O Mode Functions NXC-I/O10 Channel AssignmentsSetting the Voltage Clamp Jumper +12V or Open +12 V mode setting defaultOpen mode setting Page NXC-IRS4 Specifications NXC-IRS4 4-Port IR/S Control CardPinouts, Signals, and Functions NXC-IRS4 Channel AssignmentsProgramming Information Ctof CtonGET Mode IroffPOD POFPtof PtonSET Input Link SET IO LinkSET Mode Mode 1 Example x x x enterXCH XchmCommand Description Xchm Mode 3 Example 100100… xPage NXC-REL10 Specifications NXC-REL10 Relay Control CardPinouts and Functions NXC-REL10 Channel AssignmentsNXC-REL10 Connections/Wiring No Normally openNXC-VAI4 Specifications NXC-VAI4 Analog Voltage Control CardIref NXC-VAI4 Pinouts, Signals, and Functions Channel AssignmentsNXC-VAI4 Channel Assignments Channel State FunctionStops voltage ramping on Output 4 at current value NXC-VAI4 Output Level Assignments NXC-VAI4 Output Level AssignmentsLevel Description NXC-VAI4 SendCommands NXC-VAI4 Input Level AssignmentsNXC-VAI4 Input Level Assignments Levoff LevonCurve RateLevel Value Functions. Negative voltages are not valid for Inputs Page NXC-VOL4 Volume Control Card NXC-VOL4 SpecificationsNXC-VOL4 Connections/Wiring NXC-VOL4 Pinouts, Signals, and FunctionsAudio Channel Gain Ratio Jumper Settings NXC-VOL4 Channel Assignments NXC-VOL4 LevelsNXC-VOL4 Channel Assignments per port NXC-VOL4 LevelsNXC-VOL4 SendCommands SendlevelPage It’s Your World Take Control