NXC-COM2 Send_String Escape Sequences (Cont.)
Command | Description |
27,18,0 | Clear the ninth data bit by setting it to 0 on all character transmissions. Used in conjunction with the |
| 'B9MON' command. |
| Syntax: |
| SEND_STRING <DEV>,"27,18,0" |
| Example: |
| SEND_STRING RS232_1,"27,18,0" |
| Sets the RS232_1 device's ninth data bit to 0 on all character transmissions. |
27,18,1 | Set the ninth data bit to 1 for all subsequent characters to be transmitted. Used in conjunction with the |
| 'B9MON' command. |
| Syntax: |
| SEND_STRING <DEV>,"27,18,1" |
| Example: |
| SEND_STRING RS232_1,"27,18,1" |
| Sets the RS232_1 device's ninth data bit to 1 on all character transmissions. |
27,19,<time> | Insert a time delay before transmitting the next character.Syntax: |
| SEND_STRING <DEV>,"27,19,<time>" |
| Variable: |
| time = 1 - 255. Measured in 1 millisecond increments. |
| Example: |
| SEND_STRING RS232_1,"27,19,10" |
| Inserts a 10 millisecond delay before transmitting characters to the RS232_1 device. |
27,20,0 | Set the RTS hardware handshake's output to high (> 3V). |
| Syntax: |
| SEND_STRING <DEV>,"27,20,0" |
| Example: |
| SEND_STRING RS232_1,"27,20,0" |
| Sets the RTS hardware handshake's output to high on the RS232_1 device. |
27,20,1 | Set the RTS hardware handshake's output to low/inactive (< 3V). |
| Syntax: |
| SEND_STRING <DEV>,"27,20,1" |
| Example: |
| SEND_STRING RS232_1,"27,20,1" |
| Sets the RTS hardware handshake's output to low on the RS232_1 device. |
10 | NetLinx Cardframe, Control Cards, and NetModules - Operation Reference Guide |