Upgrading the Flash Rom Firmware
The Meteor program is a functional component of Metrologic’s new line of
Each MS9500, regardless of the version number or communication protocol, can be upgraded. In other words, all RS232
The upgrades and custom software versions will be supplied by Metrologic in files called Motorola
The program guides the user with its simplistic one click approach. The user must first select the file; once selected and verified, the file is ready to be used in the upgrade. Press the button to upgrade the scanner, the unit will go into a “flash mode” – both the green and red LEDs will be on. The user can follow the progress of the upgrade by watching the screen for details. When the upgrade is complete, the scanner will respond with its normal one beep on power up. If two beeps occur, the scanner did not upgrade properly. (Contact Metrologic for additional details).