Cino FM400 manual Protocol, ACK/NAK Setting

Page 43









Serial Interface Control

Protocol, ACK/NAK Setting















Family Code Selection




Parameter Selection


Option Code








Handshaking Protocol




None (free running mode) ￿













RTS/CTS (hardware handshaking)







ACK/NAK (software handshaking)







Xon/Xoff (software handshaking)










NAK Retry Count




3 times ￿













0~255 times


(3 digits)








ACK/NAK Transmission Indication










Enable ￿
















￿USB COM doesn’t support RTS/CTS handshaking protocol.

￿When the ACK/NAK Software Handshaking option is selected, the FuzzyScan waits for an ACK (acknowledge) or NAK (not acknowledge) from the host computer after each data transmission. If the NAK is received, FuzzyScan will re-send the data until receiving ACK.

￿NAK Retry Count

After transmitting data, the scanner expects a NAK response from the host up to the preset “Serial Response Time-out”. If the scanner doesn’t get a response, the scanner will issue an error indication and discard the data. When a NAK is received, the scanner transmits the same data again and waits for either an ACK or NAK. The scanner issues an error indication and discards the data under following two conditions:

1)After preset NAK retry counts is received within the preset serial response time-out.

2)If the preset time-out is up but the preset NAK retry counts haven’t come to the end.

The default retry counts are three times. If you program “0 time”, the scanner won’t resend the data to the host when the scanner receives a NAK. The scanner will discard the data. If you program “255 times”, the scanner can receive unlimited NAKs from the host within the pre-set serial response time-out.

This function is not available for batch mode. When you enable this function in on-line mode, the out-of-range function will be disable automatically.

￿ACK/NAK Transmission Indication:

Disable: There’s neither LED nor beeping indication for this setting.

Enable: There’s a specific LED and beeping indication for this setting.


Image 43 Cino FM400 manual Protocol, ACK/NAK Setting
Contents Fixed Mount Scanner Manual Warranty Table of Contents Getting Familiar with Your FuzzyScan USB Models FM4xx-11x Connect to Your HostAdjust Reading Angle Install Your FuzzyScanTest Button Use the Test ModeProgramming Use Your FuzzScanFixed Mount ProgrammingManual Bar Code Programming Menu System CommandProgramming Procedures Manual Single scan selection Multiple scans selection Cycling scan selection Dual level selection Family Code Selection Parameter Selection Host Interface SelectionUser Defined Symbol ID Symbology Reading ControlSymbol ID 1 character Option Code Symbology ID TransmissionReadable Symbology Setting Readable Bar Code SettingCode 39/Code 32 Setting Code 39 Setting Codabar/NW-7 Setting UPC Family Setting UPC-A & UPC-E SettingSupplement Scan Voting UPC-A & UPC-E Setting , Supplement Scan VotingEAN Supplement Setting EAN Setting , Supplement , Supplement Scan VotingEAN Supplement Control UPC/EAN Security Level SettingUPC/EAN Security Level EAN Supplement Control UCC Coupon Extended Code Setting Iata & Interleaved 2 of 5 Setting Code 25 Family Setting Code 11 & Code 93 Setting MSI/Plessey Setting Code 128 & UCC/EAN 128 Setting UK/Plessey Setting Telepen Setting GS1 DataBar Setting Linear-stacked & Korea Post Code Setting Keyboard Interface Control Keyboard Layout Language SettingKeyboard Layout Caps Lock Control Record Suffix, Preamble, Postamble & Caps LockDelay Setting Upper/Lower Case Emulation Setting & Upper/Lower Case SettingSerial Interface Control Record Suffix, Preamble, Postamble SettingDelay Setting Protocol, ACK/NAK Setting Serial Response Time-out Baud Rate BPS Data Frame Time Out Setting, Baud Rate, Data FrameOperation Control Operation Mode SettingGood Read Indicator Buzzer, Indicator, Inverse ReadingDollar Sign Control Redundancy Scan Rate Control Dollar Sign, Redundancy, Scan Rate ControlReread Delay Double San Verification Good Read Delay Scan Input Time-out Hands Free Time-out Good Read Duration Time-out and Duration SettingPresentation Sensitivity Presentation Scanning SettingOK/NG Signal and Beeping Control Programming Condensed DataWizard Preamble, Postamble, Data Length & Symbol ID TransFormatter Control Data Formatter SettingVerifier Control Data Verifier SettingReplacer Control Data Replacer SettingOrganizer Control Data Organizer SettingSelect a Bar Code Symbology Data Organizer Data ReplacerImportant Notice UPC UPC-E EAN/JAN EAN/JAN-13 Symbology ID TableKeyboard Function Code Table Example Ascii Input ShortcutHEX/ASCII Reference Table Host Interface Quick Set Operation Mode Quick SetOption Codes END System CommandsIndications Fixed Mount Scanner Programming Manual