Dynatel™ 1420EZ Writer Operation
Dynatel™ PCTools Download and Installation
The Dynatel™ PCTools software must be downloaded and installed on the laptop/desktop PC from the 3M website at www.3M.com/dynatel.
Dynatel™ 1420EZ Writer – Country
Following installation of Dynatel™ PCTools, the allowable
•Double click the Dynatel PC Tool Kit icon on the desktop.
•Connect the 1420EZ Writer to the PC via the provided RS232 serial cable or the
•Power On the 1420EZ Writer.
•From the Dynatel™ PCTools main screen, select the country in which the unit will be used. If country is not listed, select “All Other Countries”.
−−If the Initial Configuration button is grayed out after selecting the country, the following steps are not applicable and you can skip them.
•Click the Initial Configuration button.
•A communication window will appear:
−−Comport: Choose the Comport that the 1420EZ Writer cable is connected to.
−−Baud Rate: Leave this setting at 38400.
−−Click OK.
•Click Download.
•The prompt line will display: Download Completed Successfully
•Click Exit.
It is unlawful to operate this unit in any country with a configuration setting that is not specific to that country. In order to prevent the user from operating this unit with a configuration setting that is not specific to the country where it is operated, this unit is equipped with configuration software for installing country specific configurations.
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