−−Select Overwrite Old Marker Data, Permanently Lock Marker Data or both. If “Permanently Lock Marker Data” is selected, the following dialog box appears:
NOTE: Choosing to Permanently Lock Marker Data is irreversible. Once the data is locked it can not be overwritten. Assure that the data that is being written is correct before proceeding.
•Log Data Section:
−−After all of the
•Click the Browse button.
•Choose a different destination file. This folder will become the future default destination file.
•The logged data can be viewed through the Xfer Read/Written Mkr Data tab in Dynatel™ PCTools.
•Markers in the Fixture Section:
−−Enter the number of
Writing iD-Markers
•Place up to ten
•Insert the Dynatel™ 1420EZ Writer in the center of the Dynatel™ 1420EZ Stand.
•Connect the provided cable between the Dynatel™ 1420EZ Writer and the PC (if not already done in Read/Write Tab
•Power On the Dynatel™ 1420EZ Writer (if not already done in Read/Write Tab
NOTE: When writing
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