Read or Read/Write iD-Markers
Once the Read/Write tab set-up is completed (previous section), two options are available;
•Read Only: This option only reads the iD-Markers and then makes available any information that was previously programmed in the iD-Markers.
•Read and Write: This option reads all the iD-Markers and then writes or overwrites previous programmed data with the selected template data.
When the Read Only or Read and Write button is pressed, the following dialog box appears indicating that the read process is in progress;
The following dialog box appears if;
•No iD-Markers are present in the Dynatel™ 1420EZ Stand.
•The iD-Markers in the Dynatel™ 1420EZ Stand are of a different type and frequency (utility) from the iD-Marker type and frequency (utility) chosen in the Setup Options section of the Read/Write tab.
NOTE: The description “Telephone” will change to reflect the type of ID-Marker designated in the Options (Utility) section.