Chapter 3 - Software Installation and Configuration
9.The TCP/IP Settings dialog box displays.
If your ISP provided you with an IP address for your computer, select Specify an IP address and enter the static address in the box provided. If your ISP requires you to enter an IP address for their name server (DNS), select Specify name server addresses and enter the IP addresses given to you by your ISP. Click OK to save the TCP/IP values and return to the Server Types tab.
When you have completed customizing the modem properties for this connection, click OK.
To use this connection,
AT Commands
You can configure the
Using AT Commands to Configure the MTA128ST-USB
1.Connect the
2.Turn on the
3.Start a data communication program and select the COM port where the
4.Referring to the Configuration section, enter the desired AT commands in the terminal window of the data communications program.
5.When you finish making changes, use the &W command to save and automatically load the configuration when the
6.Quit the data communications program.
For more information on AT commands, refer Chapter 4.