AC International MTA128ST-USB manual MultiModemISDN User Guide

Page 52

MultiModemISDN User Guide

Command: &Fn

Function: Load Quick Setup Profile

Values: n = 0–4

Default: &F0

Description: For quick setup, the TA includes six Quick Setup Profiles, each contains configuration parameters for a specific type of port operation. To load a Quick Setup Profile into active memory, use &Fn, where n is the profile number to load. You then can customize the profile and store it using the &W command, so it loads automatically on power-up or reset. These profiles are stored in permanent memory and are not user configurable. (Appendix B.) &F0 Profile 0 — Modem-like operation (default)

&F1 Profile 1 — V.110 async operation* &F2 Profile 2 — V.120 async operation &F3 Profile 3 — X.75 async operation &F4 Profile 4 — MLPPP async operation

*The MTA128ST-USB is manufactured in two builds. To determine the build of your terminal adapter (TA), issue the ATI2 command in a terminal window. If the TA responds to the command with MTA128ST- USB, then it supports V.110. If your TA resonds to the ATI2 command with MTA128ST-USB-RC, V.110 support is not available. The MTA128ST-USB-RC will respond to the &F1 command with an ERROR..




Automatic Channel Bundling


n = 0 or 1



Description:&J1 causes the TA to dial the number given in the dial string again to set up


a bundled PPP connection (also known as MultiLink PPP). Only works with


the PPP/ML-PPP protocol (!Z=9). &J0 will not dial the given number again


and it will not interfere with the given dial string meaning that if there are two


numbers in the dial string (like ATD5551000&5553000) the TA will dial both


of those numbers. &J0 does not disable the dialing of a second number if a


second number is given in the dial string.



disables automatic channel bundling



enables automatic channel bundling

Command: &Rn



CTS Control


n = 0, 1, or 2


&R1 (CTS forced high)

Description:Allows you control the state of the CTS (Clear to Send) signal on the


RS232E/V.24 interface. Normally the CTS signal follows the state of the RTS


signal when the MTA128ST-USB is online.


&R0 CTS acts normally; i.e., it follows RTS


&R1 CTS is forced high, but still provides online flow control


&R2 CTS is forced high, but it drops on disconnect for the period of time


set by S10. CTS still provides flow control when the TA is online.

Command: &Sn



DSR Control


n = 0, 1, or 2


&S0 (DSR high)


Image 52
Contents User Guide User Guide Contents Troubleshooting Introduction and Description Introduction Product DescriptionUniversal Serial Bus USB MultiModemISDN User GuideManual Organization Introduction and DescriptionFeatures Technical Specifications LED IndicatorsHardware Installation Hardware Installation Safety Warning Telecom/ISDN-STUnpacking Your MTA128ST-USB Assembling the MTA128ST-USB Connecting the MTA128ST-USB to Your SystemMultiModem Isdn User Guide Connecting to Your Computer Connecting to PowerConnecting to Your Isdn Network Terminator Connecting to Analog EquipmentLED Indicators Hardware Installation Data Protocol ReferencesSoftware Installation and Configuration Software Installation and Configuration Installing in WindowsInstall Hardware Device Drivers dialog box displays If the Digital Signature Not Found dialog box displays Page Changing the Modem Descriptor Windows Upgrade Device Driver Wizard dialog box displaysMTA128ST-USB CDC ML-PPP Properties dialog box displays Start Device Driver Installation dialog box displays Installing in Windows Software Installation and Configuration MultiModemISDN User Guide Update Device Driver Wizard dialog box displays MTA128ST-USB ML-PPP Properties dialog box displaysUpgrade Device Driver Wizard dialog box displays Software Installation and Configuration Click Start Settings Control Panel Removing Your Old Device from Windows 2000 and Windows 98Configuration Network ConfigurationAT commands AT!C6= and AT*!C6= Call Control ConfigurationAT commands AT!N1= and AT*!N1= Dialing Stored Numbers Isdn MTA128ST-USB Configuration Utility To Install in Windows 2000/98/95Windows 2000 Dial-Up Networking MultiModemISDN User Guide If you select Accept incoming connections MultiModemISDN User Guide Windows 98/95 Dial-Up Networking MultiModemISDN User Guide AT Commands Using AT Commands to Configure the MTA128ST-USBAT Commands, S-Registers and Result Codes Entering AT Commands AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result CodesAT Commands by Function Command ImplementationData Call Commands A97=n A97=0A97=1 C0=2 Net3D3=0-63 D3=240D3=241 DN=1EN=n EN=1EN=2 D98RXGn N2=nRXG10 =12 L5 and L6Connect String normally it is issued by itself ATZ E4, &E6, &E13 E12E13 #X0MultiModemISDN User Guide ROM $DnData Call Commands Command DSn Registers Register SummaryAT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes MultiModemISDN User Guide S31 S30S34 S44 S45S49 S50Ring S51S53 S54S17 S18AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes S58 S59S61 S60S62 S64 S63S65 S67 S68S69 S70S71 S73S76 S75S77 S80 Result Codes Using AT Commands to Operate the MTA128ST-USB Making a CallModes of Operation DialingAnswering a Call Hanging Up Troubleshooting None of the LEDs light when the MTA128ST-USB is on Troubleshooting MTA128ST-USB dials but cannot make a connectionYou can place data calls but not voice calls or vice versa MTA128ST-USB disconnects while online MultiModemISDN User Guide Warranty, Service, and Technical Support Addendum for North American Products Limited WarrantyAddendum for International Products Warranty, Service and Tech Support Out of Warranty Repair Costs On-line Warranty RegistrationSoftware User License Agreement MultiModem Isdn User Guide Technical Support ServiceContacting Technical Support Ordering Accessories Using FlashWizard to Upgrade Firmware Upgrading the MTA128ST-USB with FlashWizardAppendixes EMC, Safety, and Terminal Directive Compliance Appendix a Regulatory ComplianceClass B Statement FCC Part Industry CanadaQuick Setup Example MultiVOIP 200 User GuideProfile 1 &F1 V.110 Asynchronous Operation Profile 2 &F2 V.120 Asynchronous Operation Profile 4 &F4 ML-PPP Asynchronous Operation Glossary Symbol GlossaryMultiModemISDN User Guide Glossary MultiModemISDN User Guide Glossary 100 101 TA- See terminal adapter102 103 Index Index 10542, 52 106Isdn MTA128ST-USB Config utility 107Rings 108