AC International MTA128ST-USB manual D3=0-63, D3=240, D3=241, DN=1, DN=2

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Chapter 4 - AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes

Command: !D3=n

Function: SAPI-0 Data TEI


n = 0–63, 240 (auto), 241 (disable)


!D3=240 (Auto TEI)

Description:Use !D3= to set the terminal endpoint identifier (TEI) for the data channel. A


TEI is a number used by the central office switch to identify uniquely each


device connected to the network. When it uses dynamic TEI assignments


(auto TEI), the central office switch assigns a TEI each time the TA connects


to the network. However, the ISDN service provider may assign a fixed TEI


at subscription time, in which case you must configure the TA with the fixed


TEI number. You also can use !D3= to disable the data channel, which may


be useful when multiple TAs are attached to a network terminator bus.



Sets TEI to a fixed value from 0–63



Sets data channel for dynamic TEI negotiation



Disables TEI

Command: *!D3=n



SAPI-0 Voice TEI


n = 0–63, 240 (auto), 241 (disable)


*!D3=240 (Auto TEI)

Description:Use *!D3= to set the TA’s terminal endpoint identifier (TEI) for the voice


channel. See the !D3= command description.



Sets TEI to a fixed value from 0–63



Sets voice channel for dynamic TEI negotiation (default)



Disables TEI

Command: !DN=n



Disable Data DN/MSN


n = 1 or 2



All ports are enabled.

Description:!DNn disables a Data DN/MSN which disables the associated TA port from


receiving any data calls. However, the port will still be able to originate data


calls. This is useful for applications where a specific port is for dial-out only.


Since the TA has only one serial port, both Data DN/MSN 1 and 2 would


have to be disabled to not accept a call. Disabling only one of the Data DN/


MSNs will cause the TA to not accept bonded calls (ML-PPP or Softbonding).



Disables Data DN/MSN 1



Disables Data DN/MSN 2

Command: *!DN=n



Disable Voice DN/MSN


n = 1



All ports are enabled.

Description:*!DNn disables a Voice DN/MSN which disables the associated TA port from receiving any voice calls. However, the port will still be able to originate voice calls. This is useful for applications where a specific port is for dial-out only or one does not want to accept voice calls at that time.


Disables Voice DN/MSN 1


Image 45
Contents User Guide User Guide Contents Troubleshooting Introduction and Description Product Description IntroductionUniversal Serial Bus USB MultiModemISDN User GuideIntroduction and Description Manual OrganizationFeatures LED Indicators Technical SpecificationsHardware Installation Safety Warning Telecom/ISDN-ST Hardware InstallationUnpacking Your MTA128ST-USB Connecting the MTA128ST-USB to Your System Assembling the MTA128ST-USBMultiModem Isdn User Guide Connecting to Power Connecting to Your ComputerConnecting to Your Isdn Network Terminator Connecting to Analog EquipmentLED Indicators References Hardware Installation Data ProtocolSoftware Installation and Configuration Installing in Windows Software Installation and ConfigurationInstall Hardware Device Drivers dialog box displays If the Digital Signature Not Found dialog box displays Page Upgrade Device Driver Wizard dialog box displays Changing the Modem Descriptor WindowsMTA128ST-USB CDC ML-PPP Properties dialog box displays Start Device Driver Installation dialog box displays Installing in Windows Software Installation and Configuration MultiModemISDN User Guide MTA128ST-USB ML-PPP Properties dialog box displays Update Device Driver Wizard dialog box displaysUpgrade Device Driver Wizard dialog box displays Software Installation and Configuration Removing Your Old Device from Windows 2000 and Windows 98 Click Start Settings Control PanelNetwork Configuration ConfigurationCall Control Configuration AT commands AT!C6= and AT*!C6=AT commands AT!N1= and AT*!N1= Dialing Stored Numbers To Install in Windows 2000/98/95 Isdn MTA128ST-USB Configuration UtilityWindows 2000 Dial-Up Networking MultiModemISDN User Guide If you select Accept incoming connections MultiModemISDN User Guide Windows 98/95 Dial-Up Networking MultiModemISDN User Guide Using AT Commands to Configure the MTA128ST-USB AT CommandsAT Commands, S-Registers and Result Codes AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes Entering AT CommandsCommand Implementation AT Commands by FunctionData Call Commands A97=0 A97=nA97=1 C0=2 Net3D3=240 D3=0-63D3=241 DN=1EN=1 EN=nEN=2 D98N2=n RXGnRXG10 L5 and L6 =12Connect String normally it is issued by itself ATZ E12 E4, &E6, &E13E13 #X0MultiModemISDN User Guide $Dn ROMData Call Commands Command DSn Register Summary RegistersAT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes MultiModemISDN User Guide S30 S31S34 S45 S44S49 S50S51 RingS54 S53S17 S18AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes S59 S58S60 S61S62 S63 S64S65 S68 S67S70 S69S71 S73S75 S76S77 S80 Result Codes Making a Call Using AT Commands to Operate the MTA128ST-USBModes of Operation DialingAnswering a Call Hanging Up Troubleshooting None of the LEDs light when the MTA128ST-USB is on MTA128ST-USB dials but cannot make a connection TroubleshootingYou can place data calls but not voice calls or vice versa MTA128ST-USB disconnects while online MultiModemISDN User Guide Warranty, Service, and Technical Support Limited Warranty Addendum for North American ProductsAddendum for International Products Out of Warranty Repair Costs On-line Warranty Registration Warranty, Service and Tech SupportSoftware User License Agreement MultiModem Isdn User Guide Service Technical SupportContacting Technical Support Ordering Accessories Upgrading the MTA128ST-USB with FlashWizard Using FlashWizard to Upgrade FirmwareAppendixes Appendix a Regulatory Compliance EMC, Safety, and Terminal Directive ComplianceClass B Statement FCC Part Industry CanadaMultiVOIP 200 User Guide Quick Setup ExampleProfile 1 &F1 V.110 Asynchronous Operation Profile 2 &F2 V.120 Asynchronous Operation Profile 4 &F4 ML-PPP Asynchronous Operation Glossary Glossary SymbolMultiModemISDN User Guide Glossary MultiModemISDN User Guide Glossary 100 TA- See terminal adapter 101102 103 Index 105 Index106 42, 52107 Isdn MTA128ST-USB Config utility108 Rings