Automation and Drives - SCE
-Note down the Kp value that has been set as the critical proportional coefficient.
-Specify the duration of a complete oscillation as Tkrit, perhaps with a stop watch by generating the arithmetical mean over several oscillations.
-Multiply the values of Kp,krit and Tkrit with the multipliers according to the table, and thus set the determined values for Kp, Tn and Tv at the controller.
0.59 |
| 0.50 |
| 0.12 |
| Preface | Fundamentals | Discontinuous Action Controller Controller Block (S)FB41 | Setting the System Appendix |
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| T I A Training Document | Page 28 of 64 | Module | ||
| B3 | |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Control Engineering with STEP 7 |