Automation and Drives - SCE
Then, the system step response is recorded with the curve plotter from 0 to 100%.
For systems that tend to overshoot, 90% should be assigned as step value.
Turning Point
Tu Tg
System step response for
After the inflectional tangent is drawn in the figure, the following values can be read: Tu = 0.7s
Tg = 7s
1.0 * KS = 1.0
The result is KS = 1.0 and the ratio Tg/KS = 7s.
Setting the PI controller according to Ziegler-Nichols
The following controller parameters result with the values
KPR = 9
TN = 2.3s
These controller parameters are transferred to DB41.
Preface Fundamentals Discontinuous Action Controller Controller Block (S)FB41 Setting the System Appendix
T I A Training Document | Page 59 of 64 | Module |
| B3 |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Control Engineering with STEP 7 |