Dish Network 104333 warranty TROUBLE-SHOOTING Table, What Is Possible Reason What to Do Happening

Page 26








What Is

Possible Reason

What to Do















You cannot

You may have

Use the receiver front panel Control



find the remote

misplaced the remote

Buttons to control the receiver until you




control, or someone

find the remote. If the remote control is




else may have it.

permanently lost or too damaged to use,





call the Service Center to order a





replacement. You will have to pay for





the remote control, plus shipping and













When you

You may not be able

Try other remote control buttons to see if



press the

to see that the

the receiver is responding.



remote control

receiver Power light




Power button

is on, if other lights in

Replace the remote batteries with fresh



to turn the

the room are too




receiver ON,


Check that the receiver power cord is not



the receiver




front panel

The remote control

damaged, and that the plug is inserted



Power light

may not be operating

correctly into the outlet.



does not turn

properly or the





batteries may be





weak or dead.





The receiver power





cord may not be





plugged into a power





outlet, or there may





be a problem with the














You set up the

A few remote

Do the following: (a) write down the TV



remote control

controls have a

code, (b) reset the TV mode using code



for the TV

problem when you

222, (c) set up the AUX mode, and



mode. Then,

set up the AUX mode

(d) reset the TV mode using the code that



you find that

after you set up the

you wrote down in step (a).



you cannot set

TV mode.




up the remote





control for the





AUX mode.











Image 26
Contents Table of Contents Remote Control Signals UHF or IR Remote Control Signals UHF or IRAbout the Remote Control Remote Control Modes Installing Batteries in the Remote ControlInstalling Batteries Remote Control SAT Satellite Receiver Mode SAT Satellite Receiver ModeUsing the Remote Control Buttons Power Button Themes menu Important System Information menu TV Television Mode TV Television ModePress this button to turn the television on or OFF VCR VideoCassette Recorder Mode VCR Videocassette Recorder ModeUP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT Arrow Buttons AUX Auxiliary Mode for Cable TV Box AUX Auxiliary Mode for Cable TV BOXAUX Auxiliary Mode for Tuner or Amplifier AUX Auxiliary Mode for Tuner or AmplifierAUX Auxiliary Mode for Tuner or Amplifier Controlling a Device Remote Control ProceduresControlling a Device Changing the Remote Control Address Changing the Remote Control AddressInstalling an Attenuator Installing AN AttenuatorControlling Sound Volume Controlling Sound VolumeTo switch back to TV volume control, do the following Doing the Device Code Scan Doing the Device Code ScanFinding the Device Codes Finding the Device CodesTVS Device CodesVcrs ITT TUNERS/AMPLIFIERS Cable TV BoxesTROUBLE-SHOOTING Table What Is Possible Reason What to Do HappeningUHF Limited Warranty United States of AmericaAdvance Exchange Program See the Trouble-Shooting Table on pag e26 If YOU Need Help104333 104333