advanced features
Edit Programme Title
You can edit the programme titles as you like.
load a recorded cassette Insert a cassette recorded on this VCR.
get to the programme navigation screen Press m. Move the highlight bar to
PROGRAMME NAVIGATION using the Aand Bbuttons and press | 3 | OK / | (or E). |
14.06.02 | 22:00 | BBC |
– | – | PR. 7 |
F27.02.01 | 22:00 | BBC2 |
15.06.02WORLD CUP
[0]: =k | [1]: TITLE |
[x]: DELETE | [MENU]: EXIT |
select programme to edit Move the highlight bar to the desired programme using the Aand Bbuttons.
get to the title edit screen |
| |
Press the number key 1. The Title | ||
| ||
Edit screen appears. |
| |
27.02.01 22:00 BBC2 | ||
enter programme title Press the number keys and Eto
enter characters, then press | 3 | OK / | . For details, refer to ‘Entering |
Character’ below.
return to normal screen Press m.
[x]: DELETE |
[0]: CURSOR g |
k: OK | [MENU]: EXIT |
27.02.01 W
[x]: DELETE |
[0]: CURSOR g |
k: OK | [MENU]: EXIT |
Entering Character
Press the appropriate number key referring to the table on the right, then press Eto enter each character. Refer to the example below.
1(Example) Enter ‘JVC NEWS’
2Press 5 (JKL) once to enter ‘ J ’, then press E.
3Press 8 (TUV) three times to enter ‘ V ’, then press E.
4Press 2 (ABC) three times to enter ‘ C ’, then press E.
5Press 0 () twice to enter ‘
(space) ’, then press E.
6Press 6 (MNO) twice to enter ‘ N ’, then press E.
7Press 3 (DEF) twice to enter ‘ E ’, then press E.
8Press 9 (WXYZ) once to enter ‘ W ’, then press E. Press 7 (PQRS) four times to enter ‘ S ’, then press E.
1 | . , / – + * ( ) 1 |
2A B C 2 Ä À Á Â Ã Å Æ
3D E F 3 È É Ë Ê
4G H I 4 Î Ï Ì Í
5 | J K L 5 |
6M N O 6 Ö Ô Ò Õ Ó Ø Ñ
7 | P Q R S 7 |
8T U V 8 Ü Ù Û Ú
9 | W X Y Z 9 |
0 | 0 |
•If you make a mistake, press Dor Eto select the character, then enter the correct character.
•If you want to delete a character, press Dor Eto select the character, then press x.