Toshiba SD-V393SU manual Marking desired scenes, Vcddvd Marking the scenes, To cancel the Marker

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Advanced playback (DVD)

Marking desired scenes

The unit stores the points that you want to watch again up to 3 points. You can resume playback from each scene.




VCDDVD Marking the scenes

1Press MARKER during￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿playback.

2 Select the blank Marker using C or D.

Then press ENTER at the desired scene.

• Repeat this￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿procedure￿￿￿￿￿to￿￿set￿￿the other 2 scenes.

3Press MARKER to remove this display.


¥Some discs may not work with the marking operation.

¥The marking is canceled when you open the disc tray or turn the power off.

¥Some subtitles recorded around the marker may fail to appear.

VCDDVD Returning to the scenes

1Press MARKER during￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿playback￿￿￿￿or stop￿￿￿￿mode.

2 PressC or D to select￿￿￿￿￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Marker￿￿￿￿1-3￿￿￿￿.

3 Press ENTER.

Playback starts from the marked scene.

To cancel the Marker

Follow the above steps 1~2, then press CLEAR.


2H20101A (E)p46-49


2/10/05, 7:33 PM

Image 46
Contents SD-V393SU Toshiba CorporationIntroduction Location of the required MarkingS3125A IntroductionNEC Section S2898AHeat DiscWait PrecautionsDo not use the DVD/VCR when moisture condensation may occur Moisture condensation occurs during the following casesOn cleaning discs On handling discs Structure of disc contentsOn storing discs On Video CDs About this ownerÕs manualPlayable discs Contents Front panel Identification of controlsRear panel DVD/CD/VCD operation status Display windowVCR operation status While watching TV While operating a tapeRemotecontrol Menu buttonInserting batteries OperationConnections Antenna connectionsAntenna to DVD/VCR connection Combination VHF/UHF Antenna with 75 ohm Coaxial CableSet the TV/CABLE menu option to Òtvó mode Connections Set the TV/CABLE menu option to Òtvó modeTo the Òtvó mode DVD/VCR to TV connectionConverter Cable TV connectionsIncoming Cable DescramblerIncoming Cable Converter/Descrambler SwitchSplitter ConnectionsSignal flow Connecting to a TVConnecting to a TV Connect the DVD/VCR to your TVYour TV with the DVD OUT jacks To switch the scan mode between ColorStreamTo wall outlet If you connect the DVD/VCR to Select the corresponding videoUse DVD video discs or Connecting to optional equipmentConnecting to an amplifier equipped with a DTS decoder Audio CDs encoded viaEncoded via the MPEG2 Use DVD video discsRecording system Basic setup Setting the video channelSetting the video channel When a TV is connected with the 75 ohm coaxial cable onlySetting the language Setting the languageAuto Clock adjustment Clock settingTo set Auto Clock to off Press SET + or Ð to select your time zone, then press Enter To set Standard Time To set Daylight Saving TimeGMT Greenwich Mean Time Manual clock setting Example Setting the clock to 830 AM March, 26 SATSetting channels automatically Tuner settingTV/CABLE selection Press Enter until ADD appears on the screen To ADD/DELETE channels Noise eliminationTo delete channels Unloading Loading and unloading a cassette tapeLoading To prevent accidental erasurePlayback Cassette tape playbackRewind or forward the tape Special playback Convenience function Repeat playback Zero return functionSqpb S-VHS Quasi Playback DVD mode VCR modeClock/counter display Video index search system Recording an Index markRecording a TV program Recording a TV programRecording VCR To stop recording temporarily To stop recordingRecording one program while watching another One-touch Timer Recording OTR One-touch Timer Recording OTRPress SET + or Ð to select the date, then press Timer recordingTimer recording To enter other programs, repeat throughTo cancel Timer program To confirm or cancel a programTo confirm Timer program If the programs overlap anotherOutput selection Stereo recording and playback Second Audio Program SAPOther functions VCR Listening to SAPConnection with second VCR Duplicating a video tapeDuplicating a video tape Press REC/OTR on the recording VCRDuplicating a DVD or CD disc Recording a DVD/CD discOther functions VCR Press Stop if you finish recording VCD Basic playback To start playback in the stop modePlaying a disc Basic playback DVDTo remove the disc Press OPEN/CLOSE To pause playback still modeTo obtain a higher quality picture Screen saver functionVcddvd Playing in slow-motion VCD Playing in fast reverse or fast forward directionsVcddvd Playing frame by frame VCD Locating a chapter or trackVCD Locating desired scene Zooming/Locating desired sceneVCD Zooming Advanced playback DVDVcddvd Marking the scenes To cancel the MarkerMarking desired scenes Vcddvd Returning to the scenesVCD Repeat playback Repeat playback/A-B Repeat playbackVCD A-B Repeat playback Vcdcd Program playback Program playback/Random playbackVCD Random playback DVD Title selection Changing angles/Title selection/DVD menuDVD Changing angles DVD DVD menuVCD Setting surround sound Changing soundtrack language Setting surround soundDVD Changing soundtrack language DVD Subtitles Subtitles/To turn off the PBCTo turn off the PBC Limitations on MP3/WMA/JPEG CD playback MP3/WMA/JPEG operationMP3/WMA/JPEG CD information Limitations on displayAbout file menu CD MP3/WMA CD playback5Press Stop to end playback AdvancedCD Jpeg CD playback CD Slide show playbackSetting procedure Customizing the function settingsFunction setup DVD Setting details Original Audio Menu, Subtitle, AudioEnglish, Francais, Espanol Off SubtitleOff Picture ModeJpeg Interval SecondsSetup Parental control settingIf you forget the password Each setup will be retained in the memory even if you turnWord was correct Temporary disabling of rating level by DVD discLevel that you have set Disc is ejectedLanguage code list Symptoms Solutions TroubleshootingOthers General SpecificationsSupplied accessories Input/OutputRental Units Limited warrantyLimited Ninety 90 Day Warranty Commercial UnitsHow to Obtain Warranty Services OthersMemo Memo 2H20101A Ep64-BACK 10/05, 735 PM