Erase all ID codes and channels (original and added) and learn new one:
Follow the “Add ID code and channel” procedure described above, but instead of releasing the receiver button after two flashes, continue to hold the button without releasing for two more seconds until the LED indicator on the receiver flashes four times.
Then quickly release the button within two seconds.
Presuming you want the receiver to learn the ID code and channel of your remote control because you have reset the ID code and channel on your remote control or you have replaced your remote control, push the up button or down button on the remote control several times so that the USB receiver can receive signals from the remote control.
If the LED indicator on the receiver flashes when you send signals, the receiver has learned the new ID code and channel.
It will no longer respond to its original and any previously added ID codes and channels since they have now been erased.
If you do not send a signal from the remote control, the next time the receiver receives a signal, either during this computer session or a future session, it will take that Stagehand remote control’s ID code and channel as its newly learned single ID code and channel.
Accept all ID codes and channels:
Follow the “Erase all ID codes and channels (original and added) and learn new one” procedure described above, but instead of releasing the receiver button after four flashes, continue to hold the button without releasing for three more seconds until the LED indicator on the receiver flashes six times, then release the button.
Now the receiver will respond to any Stagehand remote control’s ID code and channel.
To undo this mode and return to having one or multiple ID codes and channels only, follow the “Add ID code and channel” or “Erase all ID codes and channels (original and added) and learn new one” described above.
Stagehand User’s Manual, page 15