| Problem | Cause | Remedy | See |
| page | |||
| |
| FM stereo reception is | The characteristics of FM stereo | Check the antenna connections. | 21 |
| noisy. | broadcasts may cause this problem |
| Try using a | — | ||
| when the transmitter is too far away or | ||
| the antenna input is poor. | antenna. |
| Use the manual tuning method. | 45 |
| There is distortion, and | There is | Adjust the antenna position to eliminate | — |
| clear reception cannot |
| |
FM | be obtained even with a |
good FM antenna. |
| |
| |
| The desired station | The signal is too weak. | Use a | — |
| cannot be tuned into |
| Use the manual tuning method. | 45 | |
| with the automatic |
| ||
| tuning method. |
| Previously preset | This unit has been disconnected for a | Set preset stations. | 46 |
| stations can no longer | long period. |
| be tuned into. |
| The desired station | The signal is weak or the antenna | Tighten the AM loop antenna connections | — |
| cannot be tuned into | connections are loose. | and orient it for the best reception. |
| with the automatic |
| Use the manual tuning method. | 45 | |
| tuning method. |
| ||
AM |
There are continuous | Noise can result from lightning, | Use an outdoor antenna and a ground wire. | — | |
| crackling and hissing | fluorescent lamps, motors, thermostats | This will help somewhat, but it is difficult to |
| noises. | and other electrical equipment. | eliminate all noise. |
| There are buzzing and | A TV set is being used nearby. | Move this unit away from the TV set. | — |
| whining noises. |